KKYE specializes in importing and exporting to Vietnam.
We can help you with the processing, import and export of food and industrial products, as well as the introduction of sales partners and suppliers.
- If you would like to export products to Vietnam for sale but have not yet decided where to sell them.
- If you would like to import attractive products from Vietnam and sell them in Japan but have not yet decided on a supplier.
Please feel free to contact us.
Freeze-dried fruit
We import freeze-dried fruits from Vietnam. We offer freeze-dried fruits such as mango, dragon fruit, passion fruit, etc. according to the customer’s needs.
(The freeze-drying process is different from conventional drying methods that use high temperatures to evaporate water, etc. It is a technology in which food is frozen and then placed in a vacuum to sublimate and dry the water. Therefore, the taste, aroma, and nutritional value of the food can be preserved intact, and the food can be enjoyed for a long time.)

We import charcoals manufactured from wood produced in Vietnam.
We can provide charcoal of various standards to suit your application.
※The attached PDF file was provided by a charcoal manufacturing company.

We import spices from Vietnam.
We deal with many kinds of spices such as pepper, nutmeg, mace, ginger, coriander, turmeric, etc.

Please feel free to contact us about importing other products.
- Cosmetics and Beauty Products
- Food Products
- Supplements
- Products for infants and children
- Confectionery
- In addition, please feel free to contact us about exporting products that you have not yet decided where to sell.
- We can help you with sales destinations and sales methods.
- For products for which it is difficult to obtain a license or approval in Vietnam, we can provide consultation on export, including obtaining a license or approval.
- Import and export of consignment processing trade.
Please feel free to contact us about exporting other commodity.
Examples of special exports
We received a request to export 40 cherry trees from Japan to Vietnam for planting.
When cherry trees exported from Japan are planted in Vietnam, they tend to bloom in the first year but not in the following year. In order to make the trees bloom in the following year and beyond
・We visited the site with planting experts to conduct soil survey and soil improvement.
・We got a special import license issued by the Vietnamese side that does not fumigate when the soil is on.
As a result, we have exported and planted cherry trees from Japan in a tree friendly condition!